Toss Up
How to Play Toss Up
Who completes the sequence first? The consultant will pull four Ace's, Ten's, Jack's, Queen's and King's from a deck of cards. The consultant will then shuffle the cards and deal a row of 5 cards face down to each player. Placing the remaining cards off to the side; draw/discard pile. The consultant will start the game by drawing a card from the draw pile. For example, the consultant draws an Ace, he or she will then place the Ace in the last position of the five cards in their row exposing the card that was face down. If the face down card is an Ace their turn automatically ends and the Ace is placed in the discard pile. If the consultant pulls a Ten, Jack, Queen or King they will continue to lay the cards in sequence order until they've pulled a duplicate card. When a duplicate card is drawn it is then the customers turn and the customer has the option of using the top card of the discard pile or pulling a new card. The same steps the consultant took are followed until one of the players sequence is completed. Whoever completes the sequence wins the game.
Toss Up Prize List
- Customer Completes the Sequence: 1 Oyster & 4 Pearl Drops
- Consultant Completes the Sequence: 3 Oysters & 2 Pearl Drops
Toss Up Value