Frequently Asked Questions
When using a VIP Jewelry discount code, will I still receive a free oyster opening or white pearls?
No, discounts on jewelry items will negate your ability to receive free Oyster Opening or White Pearls with your pieces.
Why haven't I received my points yet?
Please allow our system a full 24 hours to calculate and award your points for any purchases, social media action, reviews, or referrals.
Why haven't I receive my birthday points?
Birthday points are awarded on your birthday provided that you have submitted your birthday on our rewards page. Points will not be awarded for accounts that are less than 30 days old for security purposes.
Why haven't I received my anniversary points?
Anniversary points are awarded on the one year anniversary of your account creation date.
I made a purchase without being logged in, can I still get my points?
Unfortunately, we cannot go back and add points to your account. Please ensure you are logged in to the right account before making your purchases if you would like to earn points. Multiple accounts cannot be merged or seperated.
Why doesn't my referral link work?
Our referral system checks multiple points to prevent fraudulent referrals. If the person being referred has a similar email, billing address, shipping address, billing information, or contact information; our system will block the referral. Additionally, referals are only available for first-time customers. If you believe the system is making an error, please email us at
How do I submit a review to earn points?
We send out reviews requests for products that you haven't reviewed before 2-5 days after your order has been marked as delivered.
How long are VIP Reward Codes valid?
Your VIP Reward code is valid for 14 days after date of redemption. Afterwards, your code will expire and points are unable to be refunded to your account.
How long do my points last?
VIP Points are valid for 6 Months (180 days) after the date earned.
How long are VIP Tiers valid?
The earning period for VIP tiers begins January 1st of the year and expires December 31st.
Can I customize the pearls for VIP Exclusive Jewelry?
Pearl colors can be customized if the pearls are provided. If we have not received the customized pearls within 14 days, the order will be fullfilled with white pearls. The Finch Earrings and Lebellue Earrings, cannot be customized and will only be fullfilled with white pearls.
What exclusive discounts and sales do I get as a Pearl Queen?
As a Pearl Queen, we will periodically send you exclusive offers and discount codes to your email address at Pearl Time's discretion. These exclusive discount codes will only be valid for 14 days after date of sending.